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Tillions - Happy Puzzle Company

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Every one of the 144 patterned magnetic tiles in this box of Tillions fits with every other to make millions of unpredictable new designs. Until you try them, it's hard to believe how patterns form and shift with every change.

Each tile is 40mm x 40mm and there are 18 different designs included (eight of each) together with a clever organising tray and a giant magnetic playing board, although any magnet receptive surface will work.

Tillions is for everyone; they are perfect for designers, mathematicians, artists, planners, thinkers and dreamers.

With so many possible variations, you will soon be making intricate and pleasing patterns that can constantly change and be reimagined.

Tillions will also work with any magnet-receptive surface, such as a refrigerator. Box size approx. 27cm x 27cm

Players 1 or more

Ages 6 to adult